野火烧不尽[刑侦] 第51节(4 / 4)
nobody does it better
makes me feel sad for the rest
nobody does it half as good as you
baby, you're the best
i wasn't looking but somehow you found me
行车到闹市区,等红灯的间隙里卫骋放下车窗,音量本不高的乐声也被周边的喧闹声淹没。他的手指有节奏地点在方向盘上,出声道:“你可能误会了我的意思,我和患者在私人时间里不会有任何联络。” ↑返回顶部↑
makes me feel sad for the rest
nobody does it half as good as you
baby, you're the best
i wasn't looking but somehow you found me
行车到闹市区,等红灯的间隙里卫骋放下车窗,音量本不高的乐声也被周边的喧闹声淹没。他的手指有节奏地点在方向盘上,出声道:“你可能误会了我的意思,我和患者在私人时间里不会有任何联络。” ↑返回顶部↑